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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you have any questions about superheroes. About blogs. Or maybe you found the answer to the Riddler's riddles. If so, go ahead! Leave your comments in my blog and I'll get you answers.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Flash Fact 2

The original Flash was not at all Barry Allen! It was showoff Jay Garrick who originally wore the costume. However, instead of the usual costume, it was based on the greek god Hermes (A.K.A. Mercury)

Friday, December 13, 2013

DC Comics app

IPhone apps have really been useful over the years but not to people with bog thunbs. There are apps for everything nowadays. Game apps, video apps, social networking apps. Heck I'm using the Blogger app to type this blog. So blogging using a phone is appropriate for what I'm going to blog about. I want to tell you comic fans about the DC Comics app. I usually go into story detail about my blogs because they have well, a story. But that's different because this is a product to virtually buy other stories. It's good that the DC Comics app is free because it requires In-App purchases. If you can't find the comic anywhere else, you can always refer to the DC Comics app. It has old and new comics. In fact, you can get old old and may I add good comics for not that much money. In Detective Comics 27#,  the world is first introduced to the vigilante Batman who sported underwear on the outside of his pants. So anyway, today the comic is worth $2,260,000 but on the DC Comics app I got it for $0! It also reveals things you may not have known about the comics. I thought a DC Christmas special would be ridiculous, but I was wrong. The main character in is actually one of Green Lantern's foes. A Larfleeze Christmas. Makes sense because he bears the orange ring of greed and is a surprisingly skinny glutton. Merry Christmas Larfleeze! Anyway, back to the app. The only flaw is that some issues or ishs as referred to in the 1900's, are unavailable because some ishes are more popular than others. They only have All-Star Comics 8# because it marked the appearance of Wonder Woman. Other than that, the app is really great. I like that it provides descriptions of the comic series so that you won't read something you'll not like. That's why I give a mega venom-dosed thumbs up. P.A. I have been blogging about DC lately because ScribbleNauts Unmasked has left me that way. P.S.S. I typed P.A. because well, I have venom tumhbs.    

Monday, November 25, 2013

Flash Fact 1

Light travel 186282 miles per second! The only man who can come a little close to this is Flash!

riddler hacked me 3

I, Edward Nigma, am back with another good one. So far, none of you have figured out my riddlesor you wouldv'e left a comment.Think hard about this but don't hurt yourself! Actually, hurt yourself. "A box with lids on the sidecan run a mile or two without tiring. Only if it goes too far" Ben comes in here. I don't know how this bozo keeps hacking my site.I will update my security very soon.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Superman Unchained

Superman (also known as the man of steel) is one of the most famous heroes of all time. In fact, he was the first superhero (which you may or may not know). My point is, he realy has been popular. Some characters go for the coloration or the origin type (alien) of this famous Kryptonian. There are currently 5 series being made that concern Superman. The series I am currently reading is Superman Unchained. The series is a little bit new so there are only 4 issues out. I was gonna wait till issue 5# and then blog, but it be months or days till it comes out so I'm blogging of it now. Superman Unchained begins with a bystander spotting a bird which was really a plane which was really someone besides Superman. Funny thing you know, It's a bird, it's a plane, no. It's Superman! Anyways, the mysterious figure then shatters the binoculars used by the bystander and his eyes bleed. The scene then shifts to Superman in space trying to rescue astronauts from a broken spaceship called the Lighthouse that contains an angry, agressive, and self-aware nucleur bomb. Superman saves the astronauts and and returns them to Earth. Then Clark Kent's (a.k.a Superman) colleague Jimmy Olsen contacts him and says the cyber terrorist group ascension is responsbile but apparently is to "big" for them. Superman then confronts Lex Luthor but he says that the proper research was stolen years ago. If not Luthor or Ascension, then who? He goes underwater to find rubble that may have supporting evidence. He sees a peculiar handprint right before torpedoes are launched at him. As usually, Kal-El or Clark Kent or Superman or the man with to many names, survives. The launchers then call a secret home base cleverly hidden. Inside, is the "real" Superman who worked for 75 years! In the Epilogue, fishermen find someone with his eyes burned away in the fishing net. The eyeless man says that he needs Lois Lane. Meanwhile, Lex Luyhor is creating a Mechanical tree to save the world and what-not. More mechs fall or go rogue and so Superman meets W.R.A.I.T.H. (William Rudolph's Ace In The Hole.) They work together to save civilians from Ascension-bots in which Superman bleeds for the first time and rapid-fires heat vision for the first time too. The whole point is about that Superman is growing stronger but may turn on us in time. Also, Lex Luthor kidnaps Jimmy Olsen and tells him that he's going to be the death of Superman. He tells him using paper dolls. The one for Wonder Woman makes her look like she's wearing a big blue diaper! Meanwhile, the man in the fishing net gets to Lois Lane while sporting a powerful crystal shard that he used to save Lois's plane. After getting hit by an ambulance, he gives Lois the shard and says Ascension is behind her. Then Ascension says they were created by Lois's father. To be continued next issue. What am I forgetting? Oh, the review part. I LOVE THESE GRAPHICS! Marvel comics style is a little exagerated, but DC has drawn really detailed drawings. The story line may throw you off a little. However, it's so interesting to read. The first one may have been a little boring, but you'll definietly get the sequels, Fer Shur! Speaking of the first one, in the back of it is an interview with Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. I haven't read it yet, but still, it looks interesting. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give Superman Unchained 86!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Riddler hacked me 2

I'm back! I have a riddle that I told Batman, the world's greatest inferior! Here we go. The more see of me, the less you see. What am I? 

This is me and not Riddler who somehow hacked my blog. Eddie Nashton, or should I say Edward Nigma, or I should say Riddler, or should I say the person who changes his name as much as Spider-Man changes costumes, you should meet this guy I know. Otto G. Octavius. You'd really hit it off!

Friday, September 13, 2013


Have you ever read Batman vol. 11? Have you read Batman? DC comics. Any comics? Nothing? In fairness, I haven't read vol. 11, but I know what the Court of Owls is. It's a group of killers who trick the kids who become their talons by saying that the victims are corrupt residents of Gotham. Talons are assains who serve the court for a while then get literally killed off by the new talons. One talon went roque. Calvin Rose found out the truth when he was assinged to kill Casey Washington who has a two-year girl named Sarah Washington. Discusted by killing innocent people and so he escaped the court, or so he thought. One of the talons locked him in the hood of a car naked! However he escaped and the first question he asked was "WHERE THE HECK ARE MY PANTS!" (BTK, I typed in caps lock cause that's how they do it in the comics.Oh and BTK means Best To Know.) He left Gotham and came back to take down the court. Altough, this time the court resurected the former talons and made them unstoppable. A man named Sebastian Claek offers to help Calvin tear apart the court. He'll do it in his former talon costume to make it more ironic. The court ripped apart by one of their own talon1s. At the end of issue 2#, the court resurected Felix Harmon, a.k.a. The Gotham Butcher. I wish I could've gotten issues 3# through 10#. Seeing as how my dad (He got the comics as a surprise) couldn't get his hands on issue 3#, he got me issue 11#. Apparently, Casey Washington seemed dead but was alive an out to save Sarah (8 years old now.) from the court which is brainwashing the innocent girl, Felix is dressed as Batman, Bane got stronger and met Calvin, Calvin has new friends and so does Bane, and Calvin was killed by Bane and resurected. I like seeing the genious in Talon with his clever escapes and words of destiny. What was cool is that in the second issue Talon has a sound gun allowing him to hide in plain sight. The story line can cofuse you though. I'm not just saying that because I missed a couple of issues. As for the graphics, I think they're really unique and very realistic. I say they give DC artists a raise as big as Bane on titan with growth potion inside! Yet the comics are a little dark with stuff like killing litle girls or letting dogs tear up an older girl. Yet that proves how righteous Talon is. BOOM goes the awesomeness dynamite!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Wolverine's  latest movie Wolverine is about a classic character in a modern world. The story of Logan could not have been better than in Japan, home of pachinko, ninjas, and bullet trains. The movie starts of in Canada though. Logan suffers from his love being in the clouds and finds himself going to Tokyo to say your welcome to an old friend who wants to thank Logan in person. However, the wrinkled turtle says that he can hand Wolverine eterinity and immortality is a curse. Logan refused and the next day the old friend kicked the bucket of death and fell in. Afterwords, a she-freak named Viper and her goons are out to kill the old man's granddaughter and Logan is going through almost losing his power to heal. Still, Wolverine must protect the damsel. The movie is jam packed with action through the Asian city. The storyline has a lot of flashbacks. As for the characters, it was hard for me to remember their  names. Still the movie was great. It was a instant hit. See the movie for yourself.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Riddler hacked me 1

I am Edward Nigma, the world's greatest detctive. I thought it would be fun to leave riddles for you inferior minds. We'll start with this. "I came to the sand on the waves, I came on a world full of naives. Everything grew and it was so new and I began to look like you." What am I?

Batman Arkham Asylum

The game Arkham Asylum is pretty cool, but not as well drawn out as the sequel Arkam City. The story begins with Joker surrendering to Batman of the fire in the mayor's office(Forgive me if the fire is in the wrong place)and is transported to the dark scary prison Arkham Asylum. Batman knows this is not Joker and follows him to see if he'll pull something. Which he did by assaulting the officers and taking control of Arkham. Batman knows Joker is after something. The game features unlockable gadgets and neat physics. The gameplay combined with the story makes your nerves high and is frightening, mostly with Scarecrow. The last time Scarecrow is seen is fate obliberating him by feeding him to Killer Croc. The story itself is kinda lame. For game of the year(One of the years,not sure which) it should have a more dramatic storyline. The storyline is plain, Joker has big plans, Batman handles it, Gotham won't be destroyed. The sequel is more dramatic with some love scenes like Batman and Talia ah ghul. However, the Easter eggs are neat. Easter eggs are hidden items that make you understand the game more. One of the Easter eggs is in the warden's office. There is a wall like every other wall. Spray explosive gel on it and blow it up. Inside you'll find blue prints and other plans all on Arkham City. The wall is on the right side next to the first corner, at least I think. I found about it on YouTube, proving that it's as hidden as, well, an Easter egg. A real one. There is also a website that you can find out about in the hallway. The adress is Look it up some time. The Arkham Asylum game is actually a little lame but is still cool. Figure out your opinion.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Superior Spider-Man

The legend of Spider-Man began with Peter Parker and may end with Otto Octavious. This is it. Marvel's newest Spider-Man series Superior Spider-Man! For those of you who don't read the series, don't read comics(Get your priority straight.), or who don't read at all, I will explain. In the last Amazing Spider-Man issue(#700 The Dying Wish) Ottto Octavious(Doctor Octopus) was dying, so to cheat death he switched bodies with Peter Parker. By switching, Otto learned Peter's leason of responsbility, Otto became superior Spider-Man with a costume change(Per the norm). At first it was a little depressing that Otto is Peter, but I got used to it. He's actually getting to be deadly in a good way. Then issue #9 came around and it was sad when P.P. fully died(Peter's memories went to Otto's brain and took on a form of their own and Otto killed him by wiping Parker's memories.) However I moved on and I like the guy. I just don't know how they'll break it to the other fans. I love the artwork, but on the cover of #1 there's a mishab. On Spider-Man's right index finger, there is a green spot. What's that about? The artwork in the pages are actually neato! The artwork is shar edges and much shading. The artwork is a little like Manga which my sister pointed out. They have well exceeded my ideas of the shadows. I find the letter column convient but I can't find the mail adress. If Ryan Jablonski is reading this I want to say congrats for clone trooper Benjamin! Coincedentally, my name is Benjamin. About the comics, everything is balanced and brilliant. I give it two MEGA THUMBS UP! Go Superior Spider-Man!
This is Legends of Heroes my comic review site. I will review DC Comics and Marvelcomics and whateverelse I read, but mostly the first two. Please post your suggests on here and I wil add more reviews. Till then, Go Heroes!!! Villains are cool too.