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Friday, November 22, 2013

Superman Unchained

Superman (also known as the man of steel) is one of the most famous heroes of all time. In fact, he was the first superhero (which you may or may not know). My point is, he realy has been popular. Some characters go for the coloration or the origin type (alien) of this famous Kryptonian. There are currently 5 series being made that concern Superman. The series I am currently reading is Superman Unchained. The series is a little bit new so there are only 4 issues out. I was gonna wait till issue 5# and then blog, but it be months or days till it comes out so I'm blogging of it now. Superman Unchained begins with a bystander spotting a bird which was really a plane which was really someone besides Superman. Funny thing you know, It's a bird, it's a plane, no. It's Superman! Anyways, the mysterious figure then shatters the binoculars used by the bystander and his eyes bleed. The scene then shifts to Superman in space trying to rescue astronauts from a broken spaceship called the Lighthouse that contains an angry, agressive, and self-aware nucleur bomb. Superman saves the astronauts and and returns them to Earth. Then Clark Kent's (a.k.a Superman) colleague Jimmy Olsen contacts him and says the cyber terrorist group ascension is responsbile but apparently is to "big" for them. Superman then confronts Lex Luthor but he says that the proper research was stolen years ago. If not Luthor or Ascension, then who? He goes underwater to find rubble that may have supporting evidence. He sees a peculiar handprint right before torpedoes are launched at him. As usually, Kal-El or Clark Kent or Superman or the man with to many names, survives. The launchers then call a secret home base cleverly hidden. Inside, is the "real" Superman who worked for 75 years! In the Epilogue, fishermen find someone with his eyes burned away in the fishing net. The eyeless man says that he needs Lois Lane. Meanwhile, Lex Luyhor is creating a Mechanical tree to save the world and what-not. More mechs fall or go rogue and so Superman meets W.R.A.I.T.H. (William Rudolph's Ace In The Hole.) They work together to save civilians from Ascension-bots in which Superman bleeds for the first time and rapid-fires heat vision for the first time too. The whole point is about that Superman is growing stronger but may turn on us in time. Also, Lex Luthor kidnaps Jimmy Olsen and tells him that he's going to be the death of Superman. He tells him using paper dolls. The one for Wonder Woman makes her look like she's wearing a big blue diaper! Meanwhile, the man in the fishing net gets to Lois Lane while sporting a powerful crystal shard that he used to save Lois's plane. After getting hit by an ambulance, he gives Lois the shard and says Ascension is behind her. Then Ascension says they were created by Lois's father. To be continued next issue. What am I forgetting? Oh, the review part. I LOVE THESE GRAPHICS! Marvel comics style is a little exagerated, but DC has drawn really detailed drawings. The story line may throw you off a little. However, it's so interesting to read. The first one may have been a little boring, but you'll definietly get the sequels, Fer Shur! Speaking of the first one, in the back of it is an interview with Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. I haven't read it yet, but still, it looks interesting. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give Superman Unchained 86!

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