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Friday, September 26, 2014

Superior Spider-Man Update: Series Finale and Spider-Verse

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Wait! That's copyright. Ahem! Long ago on the month of August 16 2013, I launched the blog Legends of Heroes (May or may not be the name of an existing RPG, didn't know about it then) and made my first post of the comic series Superior Spider-Man. It was great, but the series has changed a lot since my blog post about it. So I decided to update my data on the series.

For one thing, there have been a few spin-offs of the series that I honestly never read. These titles include Superior Team-Up, Superior Foes of Spider-Man, and Superior Carnage. According to the worldwide WEB (spider pun) Superior foes follows the Sinister 6 after their defeat in Superior Spider-Man issue 1# and they lost the Living Brain (you know, Spider-Man's robot assistant who gives out tastier beverages) from there team. Superior Team-Up is as the name implies. Superior Spider-Man is paired with a different Marvel super hero each issue.
Superior Carnage is about the Carnage symbiote being transferred to someone named Dr. Malus. Nuff said.

At first when I read comics 1-4#, I thought he was a great guy who could learn the proper ways of being a superhero. NO. That was established at the end of 5#. After that I had mixed feelings about the character. Some issues I root for him and some I think he should've stopped calling himself superior and call himself an EGG-NO-RA-MOOSE as the guys from Cracker-barrel would say. I don't mean to spoil anything but here's two lists:

Top 5 Smart Moves Otto Has Made:
1.Adding claws. Those are cool!
2.Making the Living Brain into his personal assistant.
3.Killing the Spider-Slayer. :I--"Did you just -" Hey it was the day of his execution! It was supposed to happen.
4.Getting minio-er... foot soldiers I mean.
5.Read series finale to keep from spoiling.

Top 5 Stupid Moves Otto Has Made:
1.Killing every villain he sees. Except Spider-Slayer, that was justified.
2.Insulting people. Favorite insults: Dolt! Inferior! Idiot!
3.Getting Jameson to stop trusting him.
4.Quitting the Avengers.
5.Not giving Peter Parker his body back in 9#

These moves I think are probably because he's not used to being a hero and more used to being a villain. I guess not everyone can be heroic or triumphant. Eh.

Let's cut to the chase. Unless your a big dodo you read the title and thought "They ended the series already?!" or "What in the thorax is Spider-Verse?!" Well here's how I'm going to tell about the end without spoiling it for those who want to read the series.
:| ....... *cheep cheep cheep. :|
Very triumphant. On to the why! Just about everyone wrote that Parker should be brought back and that they hate Otto. I can infer (Your welcome literature know-it-alls) that's why they ended the series so early. It's ironic too. When the first Amazing Spider-Man remake was made, someone wrote they should bring Otto back! :D--HaHaHaHaHa. So be sure to not listen to your mom and start at 34# cuz that's the end.

Onto Spider-Verse. It starts at 19# with Superior Spider-Man goes to 2099 and almost get's arrested. He then builds a machine to take him back but instead is transported to the other universes of Spider-Man. Turns out, a terrfying and horrible monster has been going through the universes and killing the Spider-Man's from that universe. After realising that, Otto goes to the other Spider-Men and insist they gather together to destroy the fowl  beast.

So now that the series is over I had some new thoughts about it. I still like the art style, but it grew to be more realistic which is better. Things are as hectic as when it got in the middle of the series and maybe a little more. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat and make you want to buy the next issues.
Nuff said. Bye!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cyborg quotes

Even though not many people have read a comic starring Cyborg, he's still one of the coolest super heroes of all time. He even has great lines. Here are some quotes from Teen Titans, Injustice, and Scribblenauts Unmasked. Some may be gotten from IMDb

Teen Titans:
Robin: You remember us right?
[sees them as eggs]
Cyborg: Your the nasty EGG people who stole all my waffles!

Cyborg: [trying to convince Raven to come to the birthday party they're throwing for her] We've got a pinata shaped like Beast Boy. You know you wanna smack it.

[the Titans are deciding on pizza toppings]
Cyborg: Come on, how can you deprive me of the all-meat experience?
Beast Boy: Dude, I've BEEN most of those animals.

Cyborg: [Cyborg and Beast Boy are playing racing car games] You wanna past me, but you can't pass me, you can't pass... YOU PASSED ME

Deathstroke: Whatever history we have with our counterparts, you and I have none.
Cyborg: I downloaded your history. You tried to kill this world's Titans.
Deathstroke: Only a couple times.
Cyborg: Just don't expect any warm fuzzies from me.

Scribblenauts Unmasked:
 Cyborg: [finishes beating up a machine] Oh, hey! Didn't see you there! Welcome to the Watchtower. The Justice League has voted, and we've granted you full clearance.
Maxwell: Cyborg!!! Wow! It's so cool to meet you! I've been a fan for like... ever!

Cyborg: But just recently, I've noticed two people I haven't seen before. Their security clearance checks out, but...I don't know

Cyborg: Stop right there Slade!
Deathstroke: Lights out! [knocks out cyborg with staff]

Cyborg: Amazo escaped! Help me with this, I can't fight him alone!

Injustice: Gods among us

Sorry I'm late with this. I was just running out of material and I didn't think of doing this till' now. I like beat this game a month ago and I would've blogged sooner. Anyway, NUFF SAID! Time to review. Ahem. WE OPEN! At the ruins that were once Metropolis in another dimension. The military is SHOCKED and don't understand how this could happen! I'll tell you how! Joker rigged a trigger device to Lois Lane and then drugged Superman to make him think Lois is Doomsday. When her heart stopped, the trigger activated and a nuke went off. During The Joker's interrogation with Batman, Superman comes and slaughters Joker losing his morality. Upon that, he takes the role of high counselor and starts a war with Batman's. Insurgency. MEANWHILE IN THE JUSTICE LEAGUE UNIVERSE...the Justice League were fighting the worst villains in comic history when Joker's about to hit a button and set off a nuke. When Batman tries to stop him, they are both transported to the other world I mentioned earlier which cancelled the trigger action. Then the heroes who were alive were transported to that same realm to find Superman has rounded the other dimension heroes, ruling with an iron fist, and had them kidnap our Batman. Luckily, not-our Lex Luthor and not-our Batman assist the team by helping them infiltrate the base. Their mission: Rescue Batman, defeat Superman's allies, and take down Superman. The game's area interaction shows some memorable characters as background characters who can seriousily WHOOP anyone if an area transition is made or if you take advantage of the environment. Area transitions are a big change since the only thing close to that in MK vs. DCU was freefall combat and TEST YOUR MIGHT! However, these new mechanics didn't have any way of changing your fate. In MK vs. DCU you could turn the table and be assailant unlike Injustice where there's no way to prevent it. Another thing, blocking attacks isn't quite as easy but hey. I guess some people don't want it to be too easy. Other than that, it was still one of the best games I ever played. the plot is convincing and suspenseful. But ya might wanna turn captions on. The multiplayer mechanism is also great where as you can actually vote on the arena. However, I had another problem I had was that MK vs. DCU had more readable content while Injustice's font was as small as Little Cheese. Other than the font and defense mechanisms, it's still one of the greatest comic book fighting games I ever played. I can see why Gameinformer voted it the best fighting game of 2013. To give you a peek of the game, I decided I'd show you guys these pictures. I was going to make a Let's Play video with my sister, but that's too complicated. Oh, I bet you  guys have been wondering why I posted pictures that look like they were on my phone. If I do it that way, the website is included in the photo. Credits for the photos will be mentioned below. You can also check it out your self at' then...I honestly have no cool way to sign off. BYE!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Draw My Life

Draw my life videos have kind of popular over the years. So, I decided to make one. Check it out.

You can also watch this vid on Youtube. Just click the link below.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Plan B

Lately I've noticed you guys haven't posted any comments lately. Is it that thing where you have to enter the letters? I'm sorry, but it was to keep out spam content. So here's my backup plan: you can email me your comments. My email address  is, so tell me your ideas and don't be afraid.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Batman Year One

The dark knight, the man with a plan, Mr.Awesome are all names for Batman. Bruce Wayne is the coolest man on Earth! He had a lot of great adventures, and then there's "Batman Year On." In this animated hit from DC Entertainment, Bruce Wayne returns from his training-around-the-world trip to Gotham City. Upon returning, he decides to use what he learned to get revenge for the DEATH IN THE FAMILY! (Get it? Death in the Family?) So anyways, first he just goes out as a unmasked vigilante and is seriously bleeding after his first fight. He goes back to Wayne Mansion where he says and I quote, "If I ring this bell, Alfred will come. He can stop the bleeding. What's the point though? I need to make them afraid, how can I make them afraid?" (Bat flies in and lands on the bust of Bruce's father) "Yes father, I shall." That was one of the biggest lines in comic book history! Because that gave Bruce inspiration to be Batman! "MEANWHILE, IN THE OTHER PARTS OF GOTHAM CITY..." Jim Gordon has just applied for a job as commissioner and his wife is expecting a baby. Little do they know, their paths will collide. Well this movie has great animation and-what the hay, who am I kidding? I HATED THIS MOVIE! The plot made NO sense whatsoever! The only thing that came close to Batman's iconic villains is the antihero Catwoman, who had no crush on Batman whatsoever, and a Joker reference only in the end! In the movie Barbara Gordon was Commissioner Gordon's WIFE! Not his DAUGHTER! And they made Bruce look like a jerk! Worst 64 minutes of my life! Sorry fans that I had be so negative and some of you might disagree with me. My condolences. Till then, catch ya later! NUFF SAID!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Heroes of the Internet

Superheroes use the internet too. Here are their favorite sites

"Gives good info into my enemies."

Black Panther
"It's the good stuff."

Original Spider-Man
"Really fun for my generation."

Superior Spider-Man
"Gives me good ideas for what to use these DNA samples for. Put my name on each of these."
"What is your name?"
"Otto-I mean PETER PARKER! YES!"

That is heroes on the internet. MY Favorite? OK.

My favorite youtuber