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Friday, February 14, 2014

Plan B

Lately I've noticed you guys haven't posted any comments lately. Is it that thing where you have to enter the letters? I'm sorry, but it was to keep out spam content. So here's my backup plan: you can email me your comments. My email address  is, so tell me your ideas and don't be afraid.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Batman Year One

The dark knight, the man with a plan, Mr.Awesome are all names for Batman. Bruce Wayne is the coolest man on Earth! He had a lot of great adventures, and then there's "Batman Year On." In this animated hit from DC Entertainment, Bruce Wayne returns from his training-around-the-world trip to Gotham City. Upon returning, he decides to use what he learned to get revenge for the DEATH IN THE FAMILY! (Get it? Death in the Family?) So anyways, first he just goes out as a unmasked vigilante and is seriously bleeding after his first fight. He goes back to Wayne Mansion where he says and I quote, "If I ring this bell, Alfred will come. He can stop the bleeding. What's the point though? I need to make them afraid, how can I make them afraid?" (Bat flies in and lands on the bust of Bruce's father) "Yes father, I shall." That was one of the biggest lines in comic book history! Because that gave Bruce inspiration to be Batman! "MEANWHILE, IN THE OTHER PARTS OF GOTHAM CITY..." Jim Gordon has just applied for a job as commissioner and his wife is expecting a baby. Little do they know, their paths will collide. Well this movie has great animation and-what the hay, who am I kidding? I HATED THIS MOVIE! The plot made NO sense whatsoever! The only thing that came close to Batman's iconic villains is the antihero Catwoman, who had no crush on Batman whatsoever, and a Joker reference only in the end! In the movie Barbara Gordon was Commissioner Gordon's WIFE! Not his DAUGHTER! And they made Bruce look like a jerk! Worst 64 minutes of my life! Sorry fans that I had be so negative and some of you might disagree with me. My condolences. Till then, catch ya later! NUFF SAID!